It is an American series created by Scott Fellows who was released officially on January 18, 2010, and a sneak peak (advance) was presented on November 28, 2009 in the United States.
Trama:La series narrates the adventures of four players of hockey of Minnnesota; Kendall, James, Carlos and Logan, which trying to fulfill the sleep of turning into a famous singer, are selected to form a musical band in the city of Los Angeles, California. At present the show passes its fourth period in the United States and in Latin America and Spain that is provided with 12 episodes. Not long ago he announced to himself on the part of Nickelodeon that the series will be renewed for the fourth period that will be recording at the beginning of 2013 in the study 27. It will be r
eleased soon, the promotional propaganda went out alredy.
este dibujo lo hice yo lo colgue en internet ^^
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